Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Summer Splash!

Isn't life great! So many things have happened since I last updated I just thought I would share a few and the slide show above will show some pics.

Coleton had a birthday -- I can't believe how big he's gotten. What a character, he planned his own party.. he had R/C car races. I thought there is no way this is going to work, but it did-- all the boys had a great time and I think he has 'converted' some friends into R/C's.

He also received his Arrow of Light. I am so proud of him. It's a lot of hard work, but he stuck to it and it was a really neat ceremony -- afterwards he was all smiles and said it was worth it.

The kids started school all 3 are in full time so I decided to get a PT job there at the school and I'm loving it. The kids love their teachers and have been enjoying the year... today marks the first night where we are all off track and so big plans are in the making.

We went to Bear Lake twice! Once with my family where we camped it at the KOA in our trailer and enjoyed the beach and boating and once with Robs family where we stayed in a rental home and were able to enjoy 16 acres of land to four-wheel on. We love Bear Lake! We have been going every year since we were married and it just makes for fun memories and strong family ties. From the moment we come home our kids begin the count down till the next year!

We love you all and thanks for being patient, we will be updating more regularly!


Sarah said...

Hey Shan,
Glad you finally updated. I love hearing what you guys are up to. We miss you very much and love you all.
Love Sarah

fivewalkers said...

Hola Chica!! Glad to see you guys had a great summer. We need to get together soon!!! :-)

Christy said...

I knew you'd come back someday. Nice to see ya bloggin again. Thanx for the update