Saturday, August 29, 2009

A Day in the Dirt

Life is not a journey with the goal of arriving quietly and safely in one piece... but a chance to twist the throttle till it sticks wide open... to jump over, slide under, or hammer thru obstacles... to look fear in the eye and backhand it in the head... to skid, slip, or stumble across the finish line... out of gas, leaking oil and blood, covered in DIRT and free from regrets!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

My Young Women Girlies

Aren't they all just so Beautiful!

Happy Birthday Coleton~

The morning of Coleton's birthday I asked him what he wanted to do-- I should have expected it. Racing Go Karts at Larry H Miller Motorsports. Papa came to watch --he should have known better than that, we wouldn't let him sit this one out :P I think the boys had a lot of fun! I think we will be heading back real soon!

Updating Coleton's Blog

We are changing Coleton's blog to a new address and updating it with more recent pics & video footage so it will be totally wicked when it's finished... so stay tuned and we will let you know of his new blog address soon :)

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


So I thought it would be cool to post a few pics of Rob from when he crashed. The red one is about 6 hours after he crashed & the purple one is about a week and a half after (can you see the swelling?) Doctors say he is a miracle -- when he crashed he hit so hard that he liquified his muscles and his body filled up with blood (that's the swelling)... pretty crazy, but nothing broke. We are so thankful all is well. No more racing!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

To Love is to Receive a Glimpse of Heaven

Christy and Lindsay are SO creative! They came up with this fun idea to celebrate Bob and Linda's anniversary. We had a yummy dinner (Which by the way Linz I still need the recipe for your pork) and played a fun game of getting to know Bob and Linda better. It was fun to find out how they met and their first impressions of each other-- all the grandkids were laughing! Then to top things off we had them 'cut the cake' and 'throw the bouquet'! Good Times!

Happy Anniversary Bob and Linda - We love you!!